
Juliet co-organised the 2023 event, wrote reflective six(ish) word stories on the day and wrote a poem called ‘Innovation’ all about her year since the DNM conference, which you can read on the post-conference outputs page.

She was also a speaker for the 2021 event (see her abstract here) and contributed an amazing article to the 2021 Speakers’ Contributions section of the site, which you can read here.

I am a PhD candidate at the University of Plymouth in the School of Society and Culture. My research project title is ‘Dyscluded’: Women’s experience of mothering autistic children as described in their stories. My research consisted of in-depth interviews with 30 mothers of autistic children. As part of the analysis and interpretation of the stories contributed I created biographical poetry and collage.

Our conference, Disrupting Normative Methodologies, was my first opportunity to share the collages I crafted from my research interviews. It was hugely successful, far better than we had imagined and we were proud with what we achieved from the day, and the presenters that supported the day.

I have presented papers at many conferences and have recently started exhibiting my research artefacts at a variety of events with an installation planned at the BSA Auto/Biography Study Group Summer Conference in July 2024.

I have a varied professional career that being in the Queen Alexandra’s Royal Naval Nursing Service, moving into healthcare management which ended after the birth of my two children. My first degree was in Nursing Studies, I also have an MSc in Training and Human Resource Management, an MBA and an MSc in Nutrition and Behaviour where I was first introduced to auto/biography.

I have an interest in auto/biographical, post-qualitative and feminist research methodologies that use experiential and embodied knowledge as a catalyst for social change. My research interests are in the sociology of health and illness, mothering, autism and neurodiversity.

ORCID Profile: